Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is a research-driven and design-oriented technical university in the Netherlands. It aims to educate young people at an academic level in the domain of engineering science and technology.
The Department of Electrical Engineering concentrates its research in three areas: The Connected World (Developments in Communication), Smart and Sustainable Society (Sustainable technology and engineering solutions), Care and Cure (Electrical Engineering in the Healthcare Sector).
The TU/e-ECO (Electro-optical communication systems) group performs research on broadband optical communication systems, within the interfaculty Institute for Photonic Integration (IPI). ECO’s research covers from long-haul ultra-high capacity transmission systems to multi-service access and in-home networks including Terahertz and quantum security systems. As a key member of IPI, the Electro-Optical Communication Systems (ECO) group focuses its research
on optical communication system techniques, ranging from systems for ultra-high capacity long
reach to high speed Terahertz wireless data links. Moreover, with the current advances in
photonics terahertz technologies the group also support the convergence of communications and
mmw-THz sensing, and quantum secure data links.

Aalborg University (AAU) has been providing students with academic excellence, cultural engagement and personal development since its inception in 1974. It offers education and research within the fields of natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, technical and health sciences. AAU currently consolidates and further develops its profile as a dynamic and innovative research and educational institution oriented towards the surrounding world. It is characterized by combining a keen engagement in local, regional, and national issues with an active commitment to international collaboration in line with UN’s SDGs. AAU has 264 PhD Engineering students, which contribute to production of 1556 publications per year in the field of Engineering sciences. AAU has specific regulation for Industrial Doctorates.
The Center for Communication, Media and Information Technologies (CMI) is an essential pilar at the Department of Electronic Systems. The CMI engages in research and teaching in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) including information technology (IT), telecommunications and media/broadcast. Special focus is on the combination of Internet applications and mobile and wireless applications (5G, RoF), the convergence of technologies and industries and a special attention to the Internet and associated research areas including IoT, Privacy and Security, in particular through advanced encryption and techniques

NVIDIA (NV) is the pristine enabler of artificial intelligence, from hardware to software stack.
In particular, networking business unit (NBU)
is a supplier of end-to-end InfiniBand and Ethernet interconnect solutions and services for
servers and storage. NVIDIA offers a choice of interconnect products: adapters, switches,
software, cables and silicon for a range of markets including computing, enterprise Data
centers, Web 2.0, Cloud, Storage and financial services. NVIDIA’ top notch equipment is
preferred among HPC cluster managers: NVIDIA connects 61% of TOP500 systems (305
systems) as well as all of 25G, 40G and 100G Eth. systems in the TOP500 list. NVIDIA
accelerates 4 of the TOP5 supercomputers.
Globally, NVIDIA has over 18,975 employees, and Europe hosts over 4000 of them.

The Complutense University of Madrid (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UCM) is a renowned public research university in Madrid with a long history and broad social recognition.
It is one of the oldest operating universities in the world that has roots dated back to the 13th century. With students as the focus, UCM is committed to providing comprehensive training at the highest level. The courses offer students a range of undergraduate and graduate programmes with many of these divided into several science faculties. These courses are wildly accepted in the global workplace and include media and communication science, teaching and learning science, and computer science. Furthermore, the postgraduate programs are their priority, offering necessary materials and human resources to guarantee excellence. UCM aims to develop excellence based on wide networks of quality groups, promoting emerging groups, and on incorporating young researchers. It is imperative for UCM to link research to the education at all undergraduate and graduate levels.
The role of the partners in QUARC
QUARC is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network Industrial Doctorate – this means all doctoral candidates will experience a mix learning and training platform, spending half their time in academia and half their time placed as interns in industry. The supervisors and mentors will make sure that besides scientific excellence, QUARC allows the early stage researchers to arm themselves with all the tools necessary to succeed beyond QUARC – academic excellence and industrial experience.